Topic: Standard GR Land Destruction

I plan to play it at FNM.  Really what I'm looking for is any recommendations for side board or if I'm missing a key card to go with this strategy.  My local FNM is pretty competetive with a number of tier 1 decks.  I'm not looking to beat those, just want something that will run well and pull of a surprise on occasion.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

Talus21 wrote:

I plan to play it at FNM.  Really what I'm looking for is any recommendations for side board or if I'm missing a key card to go with this strategy.  My local FNM is pretty competetive with a number of tier 1 decks.  I'm not looking to beat those, just want something that will run well and pull of a surprise on occasion.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

I don't play standard at all so I can't really comment on the decklist, but I just have to say that playing against land-destro is one of the most unfun things in the entire game of magic.

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

Having been tinkering with the concept myself, I can tell you that it's quite viable and can catch most Tier 1 decks REALLY off guard.  More specific card suggestions in just a second. 

And in response to Kammikaze's post, playing against control, generally speaking, is unfun - this is just another type of control... so, y'know.  If the opponent wants to be a dick and play net-decked U/W/x control, well, then I find it hard to feel bad for them when you blow up all their lands.

So about the deck.  You're on the right path, but you're leaving out some of the best pieces.  The real power here is that you can ramp into the four-costed land hate much faster than the opponent can get meaningful stuff out.  But you have some issues. 

1) Anger of the Gods might be helpful against aggro decks, but it will kill ALL your mana dorks.  This is hardly ideal as the deck really needs them to get you to land destruction range as quickly as possible.  Once you've locked them down to 1-2 lands, really they aren't much of a threat so it's okay to give up a few life here or there to get to that point.

2) Survey the Wreckage and Structural Collapse are just BAD.  You want CHEAPER land hate.  This comes nicely in the form of Bramblecrush and Desecration Plague - both of which fall in at the four-spot AND both provide some added versatility in the event they get things out.  Both of these should be swapped for the two you have in the list.  Frenzied Tilling is workable because it helps get your more land in addition to blowing on of theirs up.

3) Sylvan Primordial is an absolute house and one that you will be able to cast quite frequently with all your mana dorks and whatnot.  He blows up a land, gets you a land, and then sticks around as a 6/8 beat stick to actually kill the opponent (after all, we are trying to kill them, not just piss them off).

4) Nessian Demolok is an option (although I'm not sure it's ideal).  The tribute side will lead to some serious variability in their play; however, worst case scenario it comes in as a 6/6, which can then be your path to victory.  Just keep in mind, it HAS to destroy something if they don't pay the tribute, so if they don't have any land this can then result in you having to blow up one of your non-creature permanents.

5) Xenagos, the Reveler really belongs in here in some number and I would even suggest Courser of Kruphix as you need to help with your ramp AND generate as much card advantage as possible given that these colors typically don't really replenish your hand as well as one might like.

6) For the SB, don't forget Peak Eruption it's cheaper AND pings the opponent... always a plus.

Having said all of that, my personal preference is for the deck to be RUG.  The reason for the blue splash is mostly for card draw but also for Cyclonic Rift which, when overloaded, is a pretty solid way to hose the opponent who only has 1-2 lands in play.  Toss in fun things like Aetherize (in the SB) and Jace, Architect of Thought in the main and now you're blowing up lands, generating card advantage, and generally just getting the job done.  This color grouping also gives you access to Keranos, God of Storms - another not too shabby card advantage engine + win con, Kiora's Follower - a better Voyaging Satyr, Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Ral Zarek, Whelming Wave, and the list goes on...

I haven't found the post JOU sweet spot for this list just yet, but I have been tinkering with it... I'll link you to a list if/when I figure out an ideal build as it currently FLOODS the four drop rather absurdly, but when it works, man is it fun (at least on your side of the table).

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

TyWooOneTime wrote:

If the opponent wants to be a dick and play net-decked U/W/x control, well, then I find it hard to feel bad for them when you blow up all their lands.

This is the sentence that really changed my mind. It's like the people that play Thresh, Lee Sin or Lucian in ranked League. How about something original?!

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

Thanks Tywoo!  Made a few adjustments based off your suggestions.

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

I've played with this a bit, added some blue:

It needs some teeth, it doesn't really have a kill move (other than Keranos; is he enough?). I also pulled a few things from the sideboard.


Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

That's why I was saying to toss in Sylvan Primordial, Nessian Demolok and things of that nature.  I even actually run Primeval Bounty in mine - nothing like adding value to those mana dorks.

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

I like the Demolock. The Sylvan Primordial is less useful (due to lack of basic Forests in my version), and I get the feeling there's more Enchantment shenanigans coming around (making Primevil Bounty more vulnerable), but Bounty looks like it can get vicious.

Updated to add the Demolock :

I'll have to test this build out. I like it. smile

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

Primordial can get Stomping Ground...

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

Okay just decided to go with adding some blue, but went a slightly different direction than you guys were.  Going to try it at FNM tomorrow night.  I figure it will either be a great success or fall flat on it's face.   Thanks for your input, I've referred to this post often while tinkering with this deck idea.

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

I think the blue is pushing it too far. You'll have too many lands that come in to play tapped and could push first cast of land destruction back a turn.  Your goal should be to have a bramblecrush or something go off turn 3 ever time and I think 3 color makes that a little too difficult.   If you let a control deck get to 3 mana before you start putting threats down you're going to have a hard time beating them if they can start countering your destruction spells.

that being said, You'll still have some tough matchups and depending on how competitive you're FNM is I wouldn't expect it to go more than 2-2 unless RNGesus is looking over your shoulder.

@ ty, kind of harsh calling people dicks for playing control.  It hurt a little tongue

Last edited by elpablo (2014-06-06 13:05:27)

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

elpablo wrote:

@ ty, kind of harsh calling people dicks for playing control.  It hurt a little tongue

It's not the strategy so much as playing the EXACT SAME list.  Seriously people, innovate at least a little bit.  Take a shot at a Rakdos control list or something else with some creativity.  But trying to fight through the net decked U/W control over-and-over is not my idea of a good time.  At a PTQ, GP, or SCGO... go for it... but at FNM?  C'mon, we all know it's a good deck...

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

TyWooOneTime wrote:

It's not the strategy so much as playing the EXACT SAME list.  Seriously people, innovate at least a little bit.  Take a shot at a Rakdos control list or something else with some creativity.  But trying to fight through the net decked U/W control over-and-over is not my idea of a good time.  At a PTQ, GP, or SCGO... go for it... but at FNM?  C'mon, we all know it's a good deck...

Perhaps.  and I can see where you're coming from.  playing against other top tier decks though if you're not playing something equally good then you're doing yourself a disservice.  when in Rome and all that.

At FNM this week, i ran esper and faced 3 tier 1 junk lists and the mirror.  Rakdos control might catch some people off guard at FNM and there's always rogue deck of the week, but i just can't justify spending the limited time i have to play magic playing things that I feel won't give me my best shot at doing well.

Mines a little different but, the shell itself takes up 12-20 cards depending on how much you decide to run.

Last edited by elpablo (2014-06-09 14:45:16)

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

elpablo wrote:

Perhaps.  and I can see where you're coming from.  playing against other top tier decks though if you're not playing something equally good then you're doing yourself a disservice.  when in Rome and all that.

My feeling is if you just want to play a deck someone else created then perhaps there are better games for you to be playing.  I think developing your own deck is the best part of magic and encountering other peoples ideas is a lot of the fun of playing.  So when I sit down and after 3 turns and almost know what's in your hand because I've played against it a number of times it takes away the fun for me.  Are the tier 1 decks good? Yes.  Do I find them infuriating? Definitely.  They are part of the game, so I try to come up with decks like this to at least give them a mild run.

By the way I got 4th at a small FNM with it.  Only lost to a tier one black devotion deck.

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

My feeling is if you just want to play a deck someone else created then perhaps there are better games for you to be playing.  I think developing your own deck is the best part of magic and encountering other peoples ideas is a lot of the fun of playing.  So when I sit down and after 3 turns and almost know what's in your hand because I've played against it a number of times it takes away the fun for me.  Are the tier 1 decks good? Yes.  Do I find them infuriating? Definitely.  They are part of the game, so I try to come up with decks like this to at least give them a mild run.

By the way I got 4th at a small FNM with it.  Only lost to a tier one black devotion deck.

About brewing decks, sure coming up with decks is part of the fun, a friend and I always talk about  strategies and work on building decks with new cards and testing them out.  Sometimes we get pretty close with an idea before someone really breaks it, other times we're just chasing squirrels.  But we're always looking at it from a competitive perspective.

As for the rest of your post, your tone leaves a little to be desired imo.  Implying that you're way of doing things is the "right" way.  SO let me respond in kind. Following the competitive scene and playing a strong deck in the format is what it's all about for me.   That's how I have always played the game after I really got into FNMs and will probably be how I always play.  Sorry if that bothers you. Maybe if people emulating the best players in the world is an issue for you there are better games for you to be playing. 

BTW, i got 3rd with my version of esper against all the other tier one decks I faced at a small/medium-ish sized FNM (15 people i think?)

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

Sorry about the tone...I had feeling that was sounding more harsh than I intended, but couldn't come up with a better way to put it.
One of the beautiful things about Magic, is that everyone can come to it from different angles and there is no "right" way to play.  Just preferences.

Last edited by Talus21 (2014-06-09 17:56:59)

Re: Standard GR Land Destruction

that's the point I was making.  Different strokes for different folks and all that.  Also, there are people like me that work fulltime, kids, wife, etc... I just don't have time to eat sleep and  breath magic the way I'd like to really be competitive so I have to do like the fantasy football guys do and "draft" a deck played by my favorite pros.

Sometimes decks work for them because their pros and falls flat for me (see the amulet of vigor deck). Sometimes it works because the cards are "good" and provide consistent value (standard esper) and usually it's a little of both for them.