Topic: WUR Creatureless Melee EDH Deck

I'm working on a creatureless EDH deck that forces opponents to all attack each other and leave me safe to watch.  I don't intend to ever cast Numot; I just needed the colors. An earlier version of the deck was 5 color with Karona as the General, but I think 3 color should work a bit better.

There are some bounce and "fogs" to stall out early attacks, until I can get Propaganda and its counterparts in place. I think the best win-con is Repercussion-Blasphemous Act, but the main strategy is to rely on opponents to prefer to kill each other over me.

Anything I can do to improve the deck?  I'd really like to avoid anything that puts a creature under my control; I solely want everybody to kill each other and leave me surveying the smoldering wreckage.

Re: WUR Creatureless Melee EDH Deck

Im not sure the taxing effects are ideal. You might be better off replacing Propaganda and Ghostly prison with Ensnaring Bridge and Rhystic Deluge.

It occurs to me that Meekstone would also seem to be an alright idea for the deck potentially.