Topic: [Noob] Stack question

Hi, I'm trying to better understand how the stack works.

For example, if I control a 3/3 creature and cast an instant that gives it +3/+3 like Giant Growth and then, in response, my opponent casts an instant like Lightning Bolt that does 3 damage to that creature. Since the stack resolves top to bottom, does that mean that the Lightning Bolt destroys the creature and then the Giant Growth has no effect?


Re: [Noob] Stack question


When the spell or ability resolves, it checks the targets to make sure they’re still legal (they’re still there,and they match the requirements stated by the spell or ability). If a target isn't legal, the spell or ability can’t affect it. If none of the targets are legal, the spell or ability is countered and does nothing at all.
   - Magic 2014 Basic Rulebook

This also means, if you have, for example,  a Reassembling Skeleton in your graveyard and your opponent casts a Beckon Apparition targeting the Reassembling Skeleton, and then you activate the Reassembling Skeleton's ability in response; so that when the the Beckon Apparition would resolve, Reassembling Skeleton (the spell's only target) is no longer there, so the Beckon Apparition is countered and has no effect.

Magic 2014 Basic Rulebook
My rules knowledge.

Last edited by Chaim (2014-05-28 06:25:10)

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