Topic: [BUG] Interesting Cards For Trade show out of country traders

The  Interesting Cards For Trade on the front page of our member profile shows out of country info.

For me it shows Canada and other traders. I only ship in US but see other traders.

Thank you.


Last edited by P9CO (2014-05-15 05:55:25)


H: Tradelist | W: Standard cards on my wishlist
- The higher number on my want list the more I want it!

Re: [BUG] Interesting Cards For Trade show out of country traders

To clarify:
You are requesting that the Interesting Cards For Trade match your will trade setting?

In general, I am blunt and to the point. I apologize in advance if I appear mean or rude.

I am the Community Admin for the CSUN Magic Players Community. I also sometimes help people with technical issues.
My Wishlist | Featured Deck

Re: [BUG] Interesting Cards For Trade show out of country traders

That is correct sir. I don't need to see trades for those I can't trade with.

Infact this whole option should be expanded, I want to see a whole list of what other people just posted for trade. show me all the past 2 weeks worth of the cards that I want posted by other people.

Thank you

Last edited by P9CO (2014-05-15 08:01:47)


H: Tradelist | W: Standard cards on my wishlist
- The higher number on my want list the more I want it!

Re: [BUG] Interesting Cards For Trade show out of country traders

P9CO wrote:

That is correct sir. I don't need to see trades for those I can't trade with.

Funny that this seems to be changed now and it was not responded to when I posted the same request not long ago. Anyway, it would be awesome if one could load the 'interesting trades' outside the trade zone with the click of a button. Every once in a while I wouldn't mind looking outside my trade zone for specific cards.

> Trading with anyone in Europe!