Topic: [Feature Request] Commenting On Decks


First off, fantastic site, very glad I stumbled upon it. I'm working on getting my friends using it, and my local shop a community page for it.

So, onto the request; are there any plans on being able to comment/rate decks? I'd really like to be able to do this at the very least within my friends. Making comments/suggestions on their decks would be fantastic.



Re: [Feature Request] Commenting On Decks

Hello and welcome!

Thanks for your kind words.

As for the request - we're going to do it. Comments have been proposed before, and we thought about implementing it in different ways. The problem is that you can comment or rate a deck, which then is edited by its owner and the comments and rating might become  irrelevant. Solutions have been suggested though, and one way or another we'll have comments soonish.

I've promised a whole bunch of features and haven't delivered lately, because it's a busy busy time right now. But I'm getting to it, no worries smile

Re: [Feature Request] Commenting On Decks


Thanks for the reply.