Topic: Modded Angelic Might

So I picked up a box of Avacyn boosters and the Angelic Might deck today. I never made a all white deck or a health gain deck so I changed a few cards here and there and this is what I came up with. Haven't played it yet but will tomorrow. I might take this to my first small tournament this Saturday but that depends on how well it plays tomorrow. Any advice on what I should do with this deck to make it better would be great. Thanks big_smile

- Keny -

Re: Modded Angelic Might

How did you make out at the tournament? I modded Angelic Might as well, but I decided to try two different versions. A mono-white (so it's not really Angelic Might anymore to be honest) and a white-green. I'm absolutely new to this though (just three weeks in!) and am looking at your deck with interest.

Here's my incomplete(!) mono-white deck:

My white-green deck will be updated sometime this week.