Topic: W/R Aggro

I think I'm going to take out Madcap Skils and Side 3 Fiendslayer Paladins, leaving the 4th to the side and replace them with 4 Precinct Captains, but I'm not entirely sure. Still trying to track down 1 Sacred Foundry (though not necessary i don't think), and if Boros Charm, Iroas, God of Victory and Mizzium Mortars weren't so good I'd be tempted to cut red entirely and just leave it mono white.

Re: W/R Aggro

Given the amount of white here:
1) Where's Brimaz?
2) Why not run Brave the Elements?
3) I wouldn't run Ethereal Armor as you don't have many enchantments, rather, up the counts of both Spear and Hall of Triumph both up to either 2 or 3x as you DEFINITELY want one in every game.
4) Banishing Light should be present in some quantity.

Re: W/R Aggro

1) I don't have Brimaz nor do I have the trade for him.
2) I would run Brave the Elements but I don't know where mine disappeared to.
3) Hall & Spear are both legendary.
4) Ethereal is actually really good if you take the time to look, considering I do in fact have A) Spear, B) Iroas, C) Eidolon of Countless Battles but I get your point.
5) Banishing Light is in the Sideboard considering this is supposed to be an aggro deck and turns into a midrangish aggro control thing post-board.

Re: W/R Aggro

I am quite aware that Hall and Spear are both legendary; however, having a second one in hand isn't as bad as you might imagine.  The opponent takes one out and having a second one means you're that much more likely to get one out.  I'd much rather have an anthem over a single pump.  If they're both at 2x, then it's like you're sitting on 4x Glorious Anthem.

Re: W/R Aggro

Okay yea that's true enough. I'm trying to see if I can't get a Brimaz, King of Oreskos or two & some Precinct Captains by trading away what I have left of junk rares & commons/uncommons from a friend of mine. Might see about those two as well, but at this point I'm getting unsure as to what I should take out of the deck to make everything fit, esp. since I have no room in SB now, until RTR rotates out of standard, though unless I get a job, idt I'll be caring about standard over non-standard.

Re: W/R Aggro

Managed to get 2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos and 4 Precinct Captains from the friend I traded, and found my 4 Brave the Elements as well. I don't have Fiendslayer Paladins anymore, and I took Madcap Skills out of the SB and replaced with Ajani's Presence. Until I get those Precinct Captains as he didn't have them on him, I have the 2 Brimaz, King of Oreskos and 2 Gift of Orzhovas MB, seeing as I didn't know what to put there until then. Also replaced Gods Willing with Brave the Elements and am toying with idea of putting in 3 Wojek Halberdiers seeing as they're a 3/2 for 2 that gets first strike. Forgot to see about a Hall of Triumph and Spear of Heliod so those are still at one each, though I'm not sure what I would take out for the Wojek Halberdiers, if they should go in at all. The Wojek Halberdiers are out of the deck, and I dropped Daring Skyjek down to 3 instead of 4 to make room for the 4 Precinct Captains. Preboard, it seems to do okay, but post-board, it seems to do wonderful, I generally side out the 4 Boros Elites and the 3 Daring Skyjeks as well as one Soldier of the Pantheon and one Brave the Elements in favor of (generally) 3 Mizzium Mortars, 3 Gift of Orzhova and 3 Banish Light most games and it seemed to do well. I didn't side in the Ajani's Presence or Deicide unless I saw reason for it, which I didn't really see except one or two games.

Last edited by Ookamirozu (2014-06-07 04:31:31)