Topic: Selling Revised, Jitte, Brimaz/Courser and more!

Hi guys. My friend recently gave me some cards to sell, so I'm trying to get them moved out. Some cards are less then NM and I have marked them accordingly on my profile, just be sure to check the edition. My newer cards are NM, either pulled from a pack or traded as such. If you're looking for any specific card from revised, or sets around that time (urza's, etc) let me know and I'll check to see if he has any. All orders will be sent in a bubble mailer, top loader, and penny sleeve.

Re: Selling Revised, Jitte, Brimaz/Courser and more!

Opening more of my tradelist up for selling! Added several new cards on, including vigor, dragonmaster outcast, and sarkhan vol. If you're interested in buying a card in my inventory or naya edh decklist but it isn't listed, feel free to ask. Some cards I just haven't set a price on, or I'm debating selling. I can also sell the EDH deck as a whole, if someone is interested in that. I have several zendikar fullart mountains, plains, and forests in the deck I can also sell. I'm accepting trades for cards I find really awesome, but only for certain cards. I will not accept trades for jitte, glimpse of nature, or any of the revised cards on list.