Topic: Public Warning: Be wary of trading with Spekko/Spencer Sutherland.

Put a trade together with him on april 23rd and we agreed to send the cards out the next day, his didn't end up showing up until about 2 days ago, with minimal contact before deckbox went down.  Another person had the same problem with him. Just letting you all know.

Re: Public Warning: Be wary of trading with Spekko/Spencer Sutherland.

Okay, Just going to point out that he's does live in Canada.  For me it generally takes about 3 weeks to get cards from Canada if you send them for the cheapest price.  Just something to keep in mind. smile

Re: Public Warning: Be wary of trading with Spekko/Spencer Sutherland.

Netherziel wrote:

As a Canadian, I can attest to the fact that postage is weird. Some trades take as low as 4 days to reach the destination, whereas others can take upwards of three weeks. Although this is not common, it is most certainly possible. As far as I know, only packages in padded mailers would take that long, although I may be wrong.

That is understandable, but I was talking to another person trading with him, and apparently he kept saying "I'll send it tomorrow" every time he asked. He also didn't confirm that he had even sent the trade for a few weeks.

Re: Public Warning: Be wary of trading with Spekko/Spencer Sutherland.

Love Canadians, don't trade with Canadians unless they throw in some maple syrup or hockey pucks.

Re: Public Warning: Be wary of trading with Spekko/Spencer Sutherland.

I think fair points are being made about the length of time it takes to ship between countries and everyone should be conscious of that when trading out of their country.  That being said, communication is extremely important during the trade process; at least, it is to me.  I don't want to speak for Peripheryy but it looks like the real issue here isn't that it took so long but that there was little or no communication during the process. 

I bet a substantive response to the OPs concerns would have made all the difference.  Nobody is expected to watch Deckbox 24/7 but if you can't respond within a few days of being asked a question then don't be surprised if the other person isn't happy when the trade is over.

Re: Public Warning: Be wary of trading with Spekko/Spencer Sutherland.

^^ agreed ^^