Topic: Trim card names before search

Currently, any whitespace on either side of a card name prevents the system from finding it. This is frustrating because often, if you copy the name of a card from another source, it's copied with whitespace on one or both sides, which you have to manually remove before searching. Trimming the whitespace off both sides prior to searching would make it much easier to add cards quickly when this happens.

Re: Trim card names before search

Hmm, that should not happen, we do trim search strings. In which input does this happen for you?

Re: Trim card names before search

Sorry - this is for adding cards to a deck using the Import > Cards feature. Typing " forest" with a space in front, for example, then selecting an item from the dropdown (either using enter to select the first item, or clicking on another item in the box) fills the rest of the input box but doesn't remove the space. This leaves you with " Forest" or " Forest Bear", etc. Clicking Import then gives you an error, which removing the preceding space fixes.

(On a similar note, it would be nice if an error finding the card didn't clear the input box, so you could quickly fix the typo and try again.)