Topic: My first deck, Legacy/Zombies

Hi there

We recently started playing MTG again, since we played it when we were kids and now I built my first really-planned deck.
It's black only and putting the focus on Zombies. I know it can be risky to set only on one color, my next one will be a black/white.

Happy for any feedback smile

Thanks guys

PS: I know I really need the Lord of the Undead but it's currently sold out at my store

Re: My first deck, Legacy/Zombies

Add more zombies smile

Diregraf ghoul  : B for 2/2
Gravecrawler   : can be cast from graveyard as long as you have another zombie
Black Cat         : free discard
spiteful returned : great at chipping enemy life
Ghoulraiser + gravedigger + cadaver Imp : recycling Zombies
Mutavault : for more creature
Skinrender : walking removal

Last edited by ubr (2014-08-05 17:04:25)