Topic: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

So yea, as with my other posts deathrite shamans are awesome

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

Definitely interested in trading for them. I understand my list isn't fantastic by any means but here it is nonetheless.

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

not sure what you're looking for, but check out my list and start a trade if you see something.

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

Feel free to browse my tradelist. I'm interested in trading for the Goyfs.

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

additional generic post about how id love some goyfs  big_smile  we have traded in the past if you see anyway to make it work start up a trade. just wanting to keep pox high tide and d&t. I have some cool unlisted stuff as well. like personal demonic and vampiric tutor. a foil sen triplets and much more

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

bluemaroon wrote:

Feel free to browse my tradelist. I'm interested in trading for the Goyfs.

Bah why can't your chains be in english!

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

I'm interested in buying them if you willing to sell them. depending the price

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

Also interested. Take a look at my list. smile

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

Why not, take a gander at my list as well!

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

My other option is to get 2 more and build bug control. Unfortunately my only trade fodder for that is an unlimited underground sea

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

Take a look at my list and I have references.

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

I am interested as well. I am willing to trade out of inventory (except for my Timetwister) if you see something that you like.

Re: H: 2 Goyfs (MMA) W: Lists

Check me out~