Topic: W: Modern Goblins H: tradelist

interested in making a goblin deck for modern. basically asking for a set of all potentially playable goblins and tweaking from there.

for cards with multiple printings, as long as it's black border i don't care.
the more pieces i get from you, the more willing i'd be able to part with larger trade pieces.
also for all cards under $1, i would only like to trade toward full playsets.

would like trades to be at least $15 for US. $25 for canada

4 Goblin King
2 Legion Loyalist
2 Spikeshot Elder
4 Goblin Rabblemaster
3 Warren Instigator
4 Eidolon of the Great Revel
4 Mogg Fanatic

4 Dragon Fodder
4 Lightning Bolt
1 Leyline of Punishment

standard wants:
playset of all pain lands
playset of Mana Confluence

Last edited by nikk0pl3ase (2014-09-02 15:37:34)

Re: W: Modern Goblins H: tradelist

I have 4 Legion Loyaylits, 4 Foundry Street Denizen, 1 Rabblemaster, 4 Mogg Fanatic, and I'd imagine 4 goblin grenades ( have to check my card piles) interested in your Snapcaster...what configuration works best for you.

Re: W: Modern Goblins H: tradelist

I have
4 denizens
3 loyalists
2  rabblesmasters
4 lightning bolts

Would trade for 2 blinkmoths

Re: W: Modern Goblins H: tradelist

I have

4 Foundry Street Denizen
4 Goblin Bushwhacker
3 Goblin Chieftain
1 Legion Loyalist
4 Mogg War Marshal
2 Spikeshot Elder
4 Goblin Wardriver
4 Goblin Grenade
4 Krenko's Command

Would be interested in any number of things that are on my wishlist/your tradelist.

Last edited by pumpkinsword (2014-08-20 21:13:10)

Re: W: Modern Goblins H: tradelist

I have a couple of OLD Goblin Kings, a couple of promo Mogg Fanatics, a FOIL Leyline of Punishment, the Lightning Bolts and the Dragon Fodders. Maybe more, but I would have to check. Probably whatever commons/uncommons you still need after trades with the other people on this forum. Let me know if you want to start a trade.

Re: W: Modern Goblins H: tradelist

was unable to check all the trades yesterday. will check tonight and respond to everyone.

Re: W: Modern Goblins H: tradelist

Updated OP with current needs for modern gobs.

standard wants:
playset of all pain lands
playset of mana confluence

Re: W: Modern Goblins H: tradelist

bump. still need more gobs!