Topic: Shipping Options Feature Requests

A. Enhance shipping options to support a minimum

+ add "Min" column
+ can use "Min", "Max", or both

> This would enable enforcing minimum orders
> This would allow for discount shipping on larger orders

Examples of new cases:

a. No orders under 10 cards, $1 otherwise
$1, Min=10, Max=

b. Free shipping for 20+ cards
$0, Min=20, Max=

B. Enhance shipping options to support order $ total

+ allow for "Min" and "Max" to be either # cards or $ order total. Whether it's # cards or order total is indicated by "$" before number. Alternatively could have an explicit selection (combo, radio, etc) of # cards vs $.

Examples of new cases:

a. No orders under $20, $1 otherwise
$1, Min=$20, Max=

b. Free shipping for $25+
$0, Min=$25, Max=

c. No orders over $100, $1 otherwise
$1, Min=, Max=$100