Topic: Mass Price Cards Feature Request

Here's how I see Mass Price Cards working ideally:

    SET price to
      A. % of Deckbox Market Price
      B. Fixed $
      C. Unset (N/A)

      A. All in tradelist
      B. x is {<, <=, =, >, >=} Deckbox Market Price
      C. Price is not set
      D. Custom filter, i.e. name includes "Charm", type=God, rarity=uncommon, foil=true, etc.

> Allow unsetting the prices for a subset of cards (instead of all or one)
> Allow more than "less than" for fixed price
> Allow setting prices only where one is not set
> Custom filters open things up a lot, i.e. set all my "Charms" to $1, set all my commons to 50%, set all my gods to $2, set all my foils to $10, etc.

Re: Mass Price Cards Feature Request

Good ideas. First step towards this will be to make the mass price tool work only on the currently applied filters, so you can filter your tradelist based on your requirements and then applying a % formula will apply only to those.

Re: Mass Price Cards Feature Request

Thanks. That makes sense to me, but I don't see any way to filter by price (including unset). It would be great if that were added. As a (new) seller I'm adding more and more cards to my tradelist and I just want to set prices for the new cards I'm adding. Going over all my prices after resetting them all is a headache.

Re: Mass Price Cards Feature Request

Bump! I add cards to my tradelist almost daily and I'm afraid to use the mass price tool and lose all my custom prices...

Re: Mass Price Cards Feature Request

I noticed that the "Show Value" feature now shows the value of the filtered list so I'm thinking maybe there's hope for operations on a filtered list...

Will we ever be able to set all prices in a filtered list? This is one of the biggest things holding back selling (the biggest is Deckbox pricing).