Topic: The point of this Community

Hello everyone,

The point of this community on Deckbox is to have a place where people can go to easily find people who want to trade away or trade for foreign language cards.

Magic is printed in a number of languages including English, German, French, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Portuguese.  There may even be other languages I have missed.

Normally it can be pretty difficult to obtain these foreign language cards.  Often the only way is to go to a country that sells them or buy them on auction sites like eBay.  You may get lucky and your LGS may sell pack or boxes in a foreign language, but it is pretty rare.  And even at that point, retailers aren't allowed to sell sealed product overseas.

Luckily Deckbox has a whole international community.  A lot of people don't like trading internationally because of cost, but we may be able to help each other out.  As of this post a Japanese box of Khans of Tarkir is going for 10,500 Yen (approx $97) and a US box is about the same.  I'd gladly spend $20 in shipping to trade an English box for a foreign language box (German probably). 

Singles are the same way.  Foreign language cards on eBay in the US often have a huge markup for staples, but those same cards sell for the normal price in card shops overseas.  If we work together we should be able to trade our home language cards for some international flavor.

Hopefully there can be a growing community to trade foreign language cards.