Topic: W: Shocks, Fetches, Merfolk - H: Trade list, FOIL Merfolk

Hey there, I'm looking to extract a bit of value from my foil Merfolk deck, so I'm looking to downgrade my foils.  I have the following foil cards that go in Merfolk:

4x Lord of Atlantis (Timespiral)
3x Master of the Pearl Trident
4x Merrow Reejerey (FNM)
2x Cavern of Souls
1x Master of Waves
1x Sygg, River Cutthroat
1x Spellskite

Also moving anything and everything on my trade list for any shocks/fetches on my wish list.

Feel free to reach out, thanks smile

Re: W: Shocks, Fetches, Merfolk - H: Trade list, FOIL Merfolk

I am interested in the 2 foil caverns and the foil spellskite ltk