Topic: [Standard; Opinions] - Graveyard Deck

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Update 10/21 wrote:

Revised! See latest post.

Old Information Text (Outdated):
Looking for suggestions on how I might improve dynamics (best way to give creatures haste, perhaps?). Also would love suggestions for "large cost" creatures that can be pulled directly from the graveyard. They can be any color, though their abilities should be playable in BU(W). Aiming for 60 by the end, but will max 65 if it seems important.

Idea is simple--keep the field in check with very low-cost creatures with deathtouch until between turns 3-5. At this point, there should at least be some graveyard, and a large creature can be put into play either via via Endless Obedience or Jalira.

Support: Jace & Taigam's Scheming are to keep what should be in the graveyard there while still allowing me to draw the cards I need to pull from said graveyard. Artheros is there to keep the sacrificeable creatures coming, and keep the opponent on their toes, and the Grim's are to make sure my hand stays full.

Sideline: Suggestions welcome! I'm thinking of various counterspells and any spells that clear the board/give minus across the board for those decks built on swarms of 1/1 and 2/2 creatures.

Thank you for taking a look!

Last edited by thippet (2014-10-21 19:57:35)

Re: [Standard; Opinions] - Graveyard Deck

I think you're trying to diversify your game plan too much. Jalira will work best when theres no other Low CMC creatures in the deck other than her and the big fatties. (Use Token generators to make stuff to feed to her.)

On the flip side, Endless Obedience will work best when you have a tun of stuff feeding into your graveyard  and leaving behind wheenies to tap.

Ie: BUG is the best for Endless Obedience
RWU IS the best for Jalira.

Re: [Standard; Opinions] - Graveyard Deck

Since the black has more variety for graveyard pulls and I have more cards that place creatures in my graveyard, I went Endless Obediecne and BUG. Result is a lot cheaper, and feels a lot more effective.

Thanks for the great tips!

Re: [Standard; Opinions] - Graveyard Deck

Made some huge revisions and looking for some additional help on this deck. Ideally, there's a creature in the graveyard and I'm using endless obedience by turn 4. Rescue from the graveyards are there to cycle hornet queen and ashen rider's abilities and keep the field clean.

My biggest issue has been getting creatures into the graveyard. Usually I delay a turn (don't play a land) and then automatically drop a creature in the graveyard that way. I'd love to use thoughtsieze, but I am trying to keep this deck relatively low-cost. When I get the cards to line up, the gameplay is very fluid. I'd say about 50% of the time, they don't, however and I turn into a sitting duck. I feel like there has to be a better way to do this, I'm just missing something key.

I've also (occassionally) been without either island/forest. The Sultai Charms have come in extremely handy, but I can't help but think I might be better off dropping green and finding something similar that does a better job. This way I can reduce to a blue/black deck and not have to worry that I'll be mana screwed.

Ignore sideboard for now--it's a WIP until the kinks in the main works out.

Last edited by thippet (2014-10-21 20:02:38)

Re: [Standard; Opinions] - Graveyard Deck

Okay I made a version that just changed a few cards from what you were running.

What I like about is you can cast Rescue from the Underworld on your opponents turn using Sylvan Caryatid or Elvish Mystic as one of the mana to cast it and also as the sacrifice. 

I tweaked your land some as well, I would consider using some Mana Confluence So you have some additional access to white mana if you make it to late game and need to hard cast Ashen Rider

I think it's a very interesting deck, and could be really fun to play.

Re: [Standard; Opinions] - Graveyard Deck

Thanks for the lookover! I like the changes a lot. I did a few statistic runs for the first 6 turns and made a few more adjustments until it was running seamlessly almost every time. I came up with a blue/black version as well.

I like this one for its readily available diverse mana and more graveyard pulls. Love the chump-block/tap/sacrifice availability of Rescue from the Underworld with the manna tappers. I left out the Despise, but it can be put back in for Despise/Endless Obedience combo against opposing powerful-creature deck. Using Taigam's Scheming to pull Necromancer's Stockpile make the Sultai Charms less needed, so it will likely be my sideline swing. If I go this deck's route, I'll definitely look into the mana confluence.

BU -
This one has weaker creatures in start-game, but lots of option for field control. The Typhoid Rats are likely to get stomped on, so I left Disciple of Deceit on sideboard. This version appeals to me because it costs less money (and tapped mana is the bane of my existence), but it may be weaker overall.