Topic: A bit of fuzzy fun...
So here's one of my current favorite decks that I've put together. It's based on token generation, and a LOT of it. I know the most glaring problem at the moment is flying defense (for which I will be getting a Spidersilk Armor or two). But I'm open to whatever other suggestions anyone might have. And yes, one of the pre-requisites of this deck is that you bring a calculator .
At current there are numerous win strategies.
1) Dump a ton of squirrels via Squirrel Nest, Chatter of the Squirrel, Acorn Harvest and Deranged Hermit to simply overrun the enemy. I'm sure many of you have seen squirrel decks and the threat of 15-20 squirrels is nasty, but when you throw in Parallel Lives (PL for future reference) things get messy and fast (Nevermind when you have two or three of them out - that's right, with two of them each tap of the Squirrel Nest gives you FOUR of the nutty li'l bastards. Parallel Evolution triples your squirrels with only one PL out, and will make six-times your squirrels with two PLs).
2) Follow strategy above but use either Squirrel Mob, Adaptive Automaton, Deranged Hermit, or Coat of Arms to make the squirrels BIGGER than anything else on the battlefield. Rampaging ensues.
3) Play for a stalemate while pumping out millions of the fuzzballs. Then drop Epic Struggle and laugh at the fact that it needs only 20 creatures for you to win. 20?! What is this? Amateur hour?
4) Go about the above routes, but throw a Lure on a creature and laugh while their perfect defense chases one squirrel while the others go to town.
Lastly, for anyone who doesn't see it, one of the best squirrel generators is to enchant a creature in the deck with both Druid's Call and Lure, attack, let it get smashed, but then regenerate it with either Asceticism or Swarmyard. Even without Parallel Lives in play, I've seen my gf pop out over 65 squirrels in a single turn this way.
Anyway, I'm open to thoughts on what should be considered either for the sideboard or even to change things up.