Topic: [W] Mono-Black EDH Cards

Looking for staples, good mono-b cards, or those unknown gems.
Also happy to trade for wishlist items.

Re: [W] Mono-Black EDH Cards

I've got zombies, Dark Rituals, and stuff like that if you're interested.

Re: [W] Mono-Black EDH Cards

Hey there, I have some zombies such as Gravecrawler, Korlash, Heir to Blackblade, and Undead Warchief along with a few other mono-b cards. Feel free to take a gander at my wares!

Re: [W] Mono-Black EDH Cards

You guys have some cool stuff, unfortunately I am not really looking for a zombie theme EDH.

Re: [W] Mono-Black EDH Cards

You hear that, crapinabottle?   He don't want our zombies!  Grab your Gravecrawlers, let's git 'im!

Re: [W] Mono-Black EDH Cards

I've got 8 and they're all grabbing their pitchforks!

And no worries Dave, thanks for looking!

Re: [W] Mono-Black EDH Cards

Some stuff I have you might be interested in:
Gilded Lotus
Black Sun's Zenith
Exquisite Blood
In Garruk's Wake
Baleful Force
Fated Return
Dark Impostor
Grave Betrayal
Harvester of Souls
Killing Wave
Reaper from the Abyss
and others..I'll start a trade for discussion.