Topic: r/w aggro deck tech help

I'm looking to build r/w aggro standard based on various lists I've seen and cards available to me this is my lisy
Looking for any constuctive criticism

3 goblin rabblemaster
4 seeker of the way
4 monestary swiftspear
1 brimaz king of oreskos

3 chained to the rocks
2 feat of resistance

4 stoke the flames
4 lightning strike
3 magma jet
2 deflecting palm
20 lands

Is gods willimg a better choice than feat of resistance due to it costing one less to cast?

Re: r/w aggro deck tech help

If you're looking to aggro, it doesn't get much better than Akroan Hoplite. Especially if you have a lot of ways to throw tokens onto the field. Your Brimaz will do that nicely, as will your Goblin Rabblemaster. Other ways to pull that off are Akroan Crusader and Satyr Nyx-Smith. Maybe replace your Seeker of the Way with one of those, get more creatures out there faster.

Not many decks run red-white aggro, not since Sunhome Guildmage and the Battalion mechanic left standard. So I really don't know. These are just my thoughts.