Topic: Large Trade Issues

So I have a question on setting up large trades.  I am trying to do a large trade, but adding cards to the trade is almost impossible with the way the cards are added and then I need to adjust the count of the cards.  So is there a way to have a way to bulk add cards from a set like you do with the wishlist/tradelists?

Also, is it illegal to setup multiple trades with a single person, but split up the trades by set?  That way i could actually add the cards to the trade from that set reverse alphabetically starting with Z, and adjust the count while I add the cards.  That way the list just keep going down, and I can add cards while adjusting the count as the list grows down.  I dont know if that would be considered illegal because it is really setting up multiple trades for a single trade, and could be considered cheating.

There just is no way to add cards to a large trade without spending a lot of time adding the card and then scrolling down to adjust the count.

Re: Large Trade Issues

I know it's not quite the answer you're looking for, but one thing that might help with your large trades is to enter all of the card names first so there's just one of each, and then once they're all in there, you go down the list and adjust counts as necessary.  At least you don't have to do quite as much scrolling, that way.

Re: Large Trade Issues

Would it solve the issue if we add a 'sort by last added' column so that the newest added one is always on top?

Re: Large Trade Issues

Yes that would, so then I could at least add new cards to the trade without having to spend all that time finding the single cards to update the count for every card.  But also being able to sort back to alphabetic is a good feature too.  I like being able to reference the tradelist with what I am documenting on the side for the cards I am looking for.

Re: Large Trade Issues

i think adding an "add cards by list" option would be extremely helpful