Topic: H: Bayou+ W: 2x Wasteland

I have a heavily played unlimited Bayou I am looking to trade for two Wastelands (played ones are okay). I'd be willing to even add some extra value from what's left of my Tradelist as incentive for you to help me finish my Legacy deck faster.

Interested but don't have two wastelands? I'd also be willing to accept a Wasteland and a large trade piece I could 1:1 for a Wasteland elsewhere. Send me whatever offers you may have.

Photo of Bayou:

Last edited by MyDadCantCount (2014-12-01 06:34:22)

Re: H: Bayou+ W: 2x Wasteland

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Re: H: Bayou+ W: 2x Wasteland

Edited again to reflect current needs.