Topic: scion the ur dragon

hey all im planning on making my first 5 color commander deck and want it to be scion. im planning on making it a cheaper deck at first and then progressively make it better and more expensive and was wanting some help as to what i should get to start the deck off. i still want to make it a dragon deck and not just a 5 color toolbox deck. any and all help is extremely appreciated!

Re: scion the ur dragon

Lands, lands, lands! The more fixing the better. Shocks, fetches, and duals!

Re: scion the ur dragon

Tek and Lotus Guardian seem potentially fun, and useful considering a budget 5-color manabase.  Dragonspeaker Shaman is a must.  Dragonstorm would be hard to pass up, and Day of the Dragons is another cool card.  Though probably better in a deck where your creatures aren't already 5/5 fliers.  Actually, I need to figure out what deck I can put that in...  Hunting grounds would be AWESOME, and it's not a very expensive card.

EDIT:  And reanimation, with Scion.  Guess that's ab obvious approach.

Last edited by madoli (2015-01-07 00:19:57)

Re: scion the ur dragon

I ran a scion deck for a while, it was tons of fun!  Feel free to check out my list (under the "retired" section) for ideas.  Personal favorites of mine are Dragon Mage, Rimescale Dragon and using Scourge of Valkas with mass reanimation...For cutthroat kills there is Nicol Bolas and Dragon Tyrant..Some of the Kamigawa Dragons make good rattlesnakes- threats to punish someone who might kill Scion..In terms of starting off the deck inexpensively, Shard Lands and the new Wedge lands are slow but provide three colors each.  Vivids from Lorwyn are also good for that.  Scion can be played in a multitude of ways, but Bladewing, Karrthus, Thunder Dragon, etc.  are good to dump in the GY with his ability at end of turn to later reanimate..Hellkite Tyrant, Utvara Hellkite, Balefire Dragon and and The Invasion/Planar Chaos dragons can be fun to change Scion into during combat...Then there's the utility of Scourge of Kher Ridges and the aforementioned Rimescale.  Hope you enjoy the deck!  If you have any questions or care to trade, don't hesitate to ask!