Topic: H: FRF promos w: things

So I have the following promos
Alter of the brood X1
Arashin war beast x1
Bribery purse X1
Debilitating injury x2
Dragon scale boon x2
Hewed stone retainers x2
Jeskai infiltrator x1
Mystic of hidden way x1
Ruthless ripper x1
Smite the monstrous x1
Write into being X1
Warden of the tree x1

I'm interested in a sliver queen but I doubt that would happen so take a look at my list see if there's anything on my list. If not shoot me a trade I'll browse through yours!
Also really like full art lands.

Last edited by Arcoftime (2015-01-23 08:14:12)

Re: H: FRF promos w: things
