Topic: H: Bring About The Undead Apocalypse Archenemy Scheme Set W: Whatever

I have the complete set of Archenemy: Bring About The Undead Apocalypse Scheme Set.

These include the following:

The Dead Shall Serve x2
Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares x2
Choose Your Champion x2
Every Hope Shall Vanish x2
Rotted Ones, Lay Siege x2
My Undead Horde Awakens
Your Puny Minds Cannot Fathom
Your Fate Is Thrice Sealed
I Delight In Your Convulsions
Mortal Flesh Is Weak
Surrender Your Thoughts
Introductions Are In Order
A Display of my Dark Power
Realms Befitting My Majesty
Dance, Pathetic Marionette

They go as a set: just show interest and we'll discuss specifics like the amount of value I'd take in trade for them. Etc.

Last edited by Chipperbane (2015-02-01 08:23:11)