Topic: H: Tasigur, Bloodstained Mire, Tradelist. W: Your tradelist

Looking to do some general trading.  If I have something on my trade list you would like, send me a message or open up a trade and I will look at your list.  If you have high feedback I will mail first. 


Re: H: Tasigur, Bloodstained Mire, Tradelist. W: Your tradelist

I'd be interested in a Tasigur if you can find anything on my lsit for it.


Re: H: Tasigur, Bloodstained Mire, Tradelist. W: Your tradelist

I am interested in Tasigur, Mire, and a few smaller things in your tradelist. Let me know if you see anything in my list.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: H: Tasigur, Bloodstained Mire, Tradelist. W: Your tradelist

Just letting everyone know that he proposed a trade, I accepted and confirmed my address and he cancelled the trade without saying a word.

Re: H: Tasigur, Bloodstained Mire, Tradelist. W: Your tradelist

You said you had to confirm you had the cards, and you already had cards in your trade list that you said you didn't have.  I changed my mind and cancelled the trade very soon after you confirmed.  The main things I wanted in the trade was the treetops which you only had one of, and changed my mind.    I had already stated if you have good feedback I would ship first so it's not like I am was trying to screw someone.  I just felt I was really stretching to make the trade possible and felt the trade wasn't for me.  Sorry if you got upset because I didn't say anything but canceling a trade before cards are shipped should not be a issue.

EDIT: Grammar, spelling, and better wording.

Last edited by TehTenyo (2015-02-10 18:59:39)

Re: H: Tasigur, Bloodstained Mire, Tradelist. W: Your tradelist

Bump still have tasigurs/mire and other stuff!