Topic: Naya Zoo

Hello, i am new to deckbox and i started playing MTG again after a ten year absence (missed out on a ton of cool stuff).  i put together a modern deck recently that i loved to play only to have treasure cruise banned.  i swore i would never play modern after that due to budget issues until i ran into a naya zoo deck list that seemed to be in my budget(keep in mind that mana base is no problem-i have the fetches and the shocks).  i was wondering what you would run in a naya zoo deck.  i see they run path to exile (which i also have acquired lately), lightning bolt, wild nacatl (i recently lucked into a playset).  what else would y'all put into it if you were making one?  loam lion?  knight of the reliquary?  i am open minded as i have never played it and i think it looks like fun.

Last edited by cappycorn1974 (2015-02-17 01:51:33)

Re: Naya Zoo

If you're running a Zoo deck, there are a few staples. Noble Hierarch, Scavenging Ooze, and Knight of the Reliquary are all considered absolute necessities, though these are probably over your budget (especially those Hierarchs--ouch!).

Some of the ones I'd consider adding to that would be Aven Mindcensor in the sideboard to hate out people who tutor for combos and win (like that pesky Tarmo Twin we see everywhere), Loxodon Smiter, and Voice of Resurgence.

Now all this is going to be expensive, of course. But some of them can be swapped out for cheaper versions. Like maybe Knotvine Mystic instead of the Hierarchs. Or maybe throw in some Fleecemane Lions for extra creatures that can block forever.

(Keep in mind with this reply that I usually play with whatever I can cobble together on the cheap - my current modern deck cost me $5 and my current Commander deck cost me $38-ish)

Re: Naya Zoo

Thanks for the feedback. only the hierarch is out of my budget-ouch is right!  i will look into getting the ooze and KotR.  i see where voice of resurgence is going up in price, i better get me some of them while i can.

Last edited by cappycorn1974 (2015-02-17 10:42:53)

Re: Naya Zoo

Yeah. Voice of Resurgence is an excellent card against decks that love to counter your spells. And people are slowly realizing that it isn't just a Zoo card. If I had the money, I'd get a playset while it's still this cheap.