Topic: N: Modern Abzan cards-H: Tons of Modern+Standard cards

I need:
-4x Ghostways
-3x Restoration Angels
-3x Birds of Paradise (M11)
-4x Path to Exiles (Modern Masters)
-1x Chord of Calling (M15)
-1x Overgrown Tomb (RTR)
-2x Kitchen Finks (Modern Masters)
-2x Wall of Roots (Archenemy)
-and 1x Loxodon Hierarch (Ajani vs. Nicol Bolas Duel Deck)
(Would also like Zendys/Unhinged lands.  I need Zendikar Mountain #244, Island #237, Forest#249, Swamp #239, and Plains #233.)

I have several cards on my tradelist, including:
-1x Thoughtseize (Theros)
-1x Bloodstained Mire (KTK)
-1x Stomping Ground (Gatecrash)
-1x Blood Crypt (RTR)
-5x Lightning Helix (Rav. playset, and 1 Planechase)
-3x Lightning Bolt JAPANESE (M11)
-1x Inquisition of Kozilek (ROE)
-2x Anafenza, the Foremost
-2x Scavenging Ooze
-1x Abrupt Decay
-4x Monastery Swiftspear
and much more!

I'd appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks so much!

Tradelist  Wishlist

Last edited by DragonsBlade72 (2015-02-18 04:43:25)

Re: N: Modern Abzan cards-H: Tons of Modern+Standard cards

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