Topic: text spoiler with filters enabled

ages ago we were able to sort a list then view the text spoiler

like arrange by value then view a text spoiler that is arranged by value

please bring this back!!!

Re: text spoiler with filters enabled

Um, what text spoiler?

In general, I am blunt and to the point. I apologize in advance if I appear mean or rude.

I am the Community Admin for the CSUN Magic Players Community. I also sometimes help people with technical issues.
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Re: text spoiler with filters enabled

apologies i meant text card list

Re: text spoiler with filters enabled

The Text Card List is still there. I don't know that it ever sorted based on the current sort of the list on the page. If it did I just never noticed. I can't imagine Sebi would remove a feature like that unless it broke something else.

Re: text spoiler with filters enabled

1423235468 is right, it does not work anymore, but used to. Even trying a workaround did nothing. (See here) It will display lands in alphabetical order followed by spells in alphabetical order. It probably just accidentally broke, and Sebi did not realize.

In general, I am blunt and to the point. I apologize in advance if I appear mean or rude.

I am the Community Admin for the CSUN Magic Players Community. I also sometimes help people with technical issues.
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Re: text spoiler with filters enabled

you can see in the web address it should be doing something but it doesnt seem to

Re: text spoiler with filters enabled

Yep, I didn't realize I broke this. Looking into it.