Topic: Looking for foil OG Shocks and Unhinged Lands

Hey guys, I'm looking for two foil Watery Graves, a Steam Vents, and a Blood Crypt as well as a foil Mountain, two Swamps, and an Island from Unhinged. Also looking for Creeping Tar Pits and Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas!

Notable haves in foil:
Pack Foil Tezzeret the Seeker - NM English
Pack Foil Tezzeret the Seeker - NM French
Pack Foil Vindicate - NM English
3x Pack Foil Mirrodin Trinket Mage - NM English
Pack Foil Captain Sisay - NM English
Pack Foil Hannah, Ship's Navigator - NM English
Pack Foil Tsabo Tavoc - NM English