Topic: Let's trade!

Hey guys was at the star city open today and made some decent trades and now I have some stuff that I can trade, my tradelist/inventory is 100% updated based on todays trades! It took me 3 hours to update everything however I haven't added any of my MM2 commons/uncommons so if you need something that everyone isn't looking for let me know. Anything on my tradelist is fair game inventory may be available for the right trade.

One thing of note I am looking to trade my ONS foothills for a KTK foothills+ any LP(+) stomping ground (little extra on your side for GTC, about even if its Guildpact).

Thanks for looking.


Re: Let's trade!

I have 4 KTK Wooded Foothills I'd trade toward your Onslaught versions. I also have a GTC Stomping Ground I'd be willing to throw in as well.

Re: Let's trade!

I only have the one onslaught wooded the other 3 are KTK but if you're still willing to work something out start up a trade!

Re: Let's trade!

Bump! Always looking to trade for shocks and fetches but not actively seeking, would like to get my hands on some heirarchs though! Wishlist isn't even close to up to date!