Topic: Trying to build Legacy Miracles(maybe buy cards as well)

Hi, I'm looking to trade stuff for Legacy Miracles. Here's the cards I need right now(english, foreign, signed, altered, condition, set doesn't matter):

Ordered by Priority

  • 2x Tundra
    1x Force of Will
    4x Counterbalance
    3x Jace the Mind Sculptor
    2x Blood Moon
    4x Terminus
    1x Council's Judgement
    2x Entreat the Angels
    2x Dig Through time
    2x Swords to Plowshares
    1x Flusterstorm

I should have some more good cards to trade as I get done with trades and purchases here/elsewhere over the next few weeks. I'm also willing to do partial trades + cash towards the bigger items if I don't have enough cards to match value.

I've been playing the deck about half proxied for a year now and I'm comfortable enough to start building it for real smile

Last edited by Godsbeard_Apoplexy (2015-06-07 17:20:57)