Topic: Jund Dragons?

4 slots left and trying to fit either Nissa, Worldwaker, Liliana Vess, Kolaghan's Command, Atarka's Command, Frontier Siege, Outpost Siege & Palace Siege or the Nissa and Liliana coming out in Origins (along with the Commands and Sieges).

Also, I think mana base needs help.

Re: Jund Dragons?

Hi, so a few huge thing: You can not run as bug of creatures as you are with the current mana base.

  • You have way too few lands to do anything with this deck. You will either need to up the lands or add mana dorks.

  • Having Dragon Tempest and Surrak is kinda redundant. You only need one of these ( and I would say just do the Dragon Tempest).

  • Garruk is a a great card, but he is not what you want in your main deck. He is used mainly for a S/B card against control decks that use lots of their own Planeswalkers.

  • You have I think some creatures that dont add to your over all plan. Deathmist Raptor is a great card, it is just not for this deck. Same with Dragon Whisperer

  • The number of Dragonlords you have is also way too high. You shouldnt have to have that many.

  • I do agree that the mana base does need help with some of the pain lands.

So if we address these five things, the deck will work out a lot smoother.

Last edited by valdor (2015-06-16 13:37:17)

Re: Jund Dragons?

WEll, theres also 4 slots left so fill with Caryatids? Or more mana? switch Atarka with her world render counterpart? Was trying to fill mana gap with 2/3 rop creatures for some board presence. SB Garruk. what else? Also, whisperers ferocious ability + tempest....

Re: Jund Dragons?

Ookamirozu wrote:

WEll, theres also 4 slots left so fill with Caryatids? Or more mana? switch Atarka with her world render counterpart? Was trying to fill mana gap with 2/3 rop creatures for some board presence. SB Garruk. what else? Also, whisperers ferocious ability + tempest....

Both. You want more mana AND some Caryatids/Mystics. More mana since if your board gets wiped, you wont be screwed with casting your spells, but you want mana producers so you can power out your dragons faster potentially.

I do understand what you mean with the synergy between Dragon Whisperer and Tempest, but there is such a thing called being too win-more. The idea is cool, but if you have the capability to trigger Ferocious you will already have a over whelming board presence that you can just attack for the win so adding one more dragon wont do much. Does that make sense?

I also think you need more removal and interactive spells for the deck. Why are you not running Draconic Roar? That card is so insane.

I would leave the Dragonlord Atarka in but maybe swith the Dragonlord Kolaghan for Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury. I think that will give you a repeat able use for any extra mana you may have as well as buffing your dragons.

Re: Jund Dragons?

Yea, that makes sense. This deck is more of an idea between me and another guy on a page on FB, since I don't really deckbuild well on my own. What would come out for the extra mana? Assuming you're suggesting bumping it to 24-26. What removal besides Draconic Roar? And yea, that's true. I just like the idea of Tempest & Whisperer & Whip in my Mardu Dragons build that I'm currently trying to acquire all the cards for atm, that maybe it could fly here. What about any of the sieges or other planeswalkers MB/SB and Commands? Or are there better cards than that?

You said you disliked Deathmist in this deck, so that opens up 2 slots. Mana? How do you feel about the fetchlands in this? Y/N? And I'm thinking of putting Haven of the Spirit Dragon in my Mardu build too, or maybe not? That's a different story; what about Crucible of Fire or anything like that? Necessary or SB? Should I put in more force-fight cards for Foe-Razer Regent's ability? Or take him out altogether? Surrak is indeed useless if Tempest is already on the field. Maybe throw in a Whip or two as well? Y/N to any of these random thoughts?

Re: Jund Dragons?

Ookamirozu wrote:

Yea, that makes sense. This deck is more of an idea between me and another guy on a page on FB, since I don't really deckbuild well on my own. What would come out for the extra mana? Assuming you're suggesting bumping it to 24-26. What removal besides Draconic Roar? And yea, that's true. I just like the idea of Tempest & Whisperer & Whip in my Mardu Dragons build that I'm currently trying to acquire all the cards for atm, that maybe it could fly here. What about any of the sieges or other planeswalkers MB/SB and Commands? Or are there better cards than that?

25 Lands is where a deck like this wants to be sitting at. It is what is ran in most Dragon based decks currently. Some more removal would include the already mentioned Draconic Roar. Murderous Cut is a good one also. You already have Foul-Tongue Invocation so that is great i think. I think 2 Kolaghan's Command is good also. Garruk is good in S/B and Elspeth is okay in the S/B also. I think Outpost Siege is good S/B against control decks.

Ookamirozu wrote:

You said you disliked Deathmist in this deck, so that opens up 2 slots. Mana? How do you feel about the fetchlands in this? Y/N? And I'm thinking of putting Haven of the Spirit Dragon in my Mardu build too, or maybe not? That's a different story; what about Crucible of Fire or anything like that? Necessary or SB? Should I put in more force-fight cards for Foe-Razer Regent's ability? Or take him out altogether? Surrak is indeed useless if Tempest is already on the field. Maybe throw in a Whip or two as well? Y/N to any of these random thoughts?

Fetchlands are always great as it allows you to get what the colors you need when you need them so always a yes. Haven of the Spirit Dragon is great in any dragon based deck so I would say keep it in. Crucible of Fire is another win-more card as your dragons are already huge and smash for a lot so there is no need for just a little more damage. I say Foe-Razer is no longer needed if you are increasing your removal. A Whip could be cool as a 2-of in this deck.

If you want to see a kinda reference, this is my Mardu Dragons build:

Last edited by valdor (2015-06-16 21:10:21)

Re: Jund Dragons?

How man Outpost Siege SB? What are your thoughts on the new planeswalkers in Origins? Incorporate or no? How many Crucibles?

Maybe put Atarka, World Render & Dragonlord Kolaghan SB? Atarka, World Render does give double strike to attacking dragons, so that's a huge threat. DL Kolaghan gives haste to all dragons, which is redundant if Dragon Tempest gets on board, though its second ability doing 10 damage to an opponent who casts a planeswalker or legendary creature? spell with the same name as one his/her graveyard.

What else can be changed/rearranged? What about any other Commands? or Sieges? this is MY Mardu Dragons Build! And so far, it runs fairly well, at least playtesting on TO anyways. Is there anything that can be changed to it?

1st Edit: How do i fit Elspeth in a Jund deck?
2nd Edit: What about Explosive Vegetation?

Last edited by Ookamirozu (2015-06-17 13:00:53)

Re: Jund Dragons?

Also, entirely new post! (Yay!) anyway. I was talking with a guy on FB I know from a page on FB, and this is what my Jund Deck looks like now. What do you think? Anything be done to it to make it better/worse? What about the SB? Less Removal? More? Anger of the Gods? Less Planeswalkers? More?

Jund Dragon Superfriends, Away!

Re: Jund Dragons?

Are you trying to make this standard? If so some of your cards are going to fall out in less than a month. I personally would only have 2 dragon tempest, as it is redundant to have four in there it just creates a dead draw at that point. Might also take out the murderous cuts (you don't have a lot to delve off of) and add the self inflicted wound (or at least sb them as you will probably play a lot of abzan decks. Also You might want to add in wooded foothills as well as the bloodstained mires to make sure you hit your mana base and then your deck in doing so.

Re: Jund Dragons?

austinarcher10 wrote:

Are you trying to make this standard? If so some of your cards are going to fall out in less than a month. I personally would only have 2 dragon tempest, as it is redundant to have four in there it just creates a dead draw at that point. Might also take out the murderous cuts (you don't have a lot to delve off of) and add the self inflicted wound (or at least sb them as you will probably play a lot of abzan decks. Also You might want to add in wooded foothills as well as the bloodstained mires to make sure you hit your mana base and then your deck in doing so.

To be fair, Dragon Tempest is not a dead drop. The haste is redundant but each Tempest will trigger for the ETB trigger. So it can bet pretty insane

austinarcher10 wrote:

Are you trying to make this standard? If so some of your cards are going to fall out in less than a month

Also no cards rotate in a month. Nothing will rotate until Battle for Zendikar. Check to get a good look at when things rotate.

austinarcher10 wrote:

Might also take out the murderous cuts (you don't have a lot to delve off of) and add the self inflicted wound (or at least sb them as you will probably play a lot of abzan decks.

having Self-Inflicted wounds in is a total meta call. We dont know what his meta is at all. Also, I think the Cuts need to stay. Even if he doestn get the full delve (which is kinda doubtful) it is still an unconditional removal. Plus if you are suggesting to add more fetches, you are helping with more delve sources as it is.

Last edited by valdor (2015-06-24 17:43:48)

Re: Jund Dragons?

It's all personal preference. I would rather place something else in as a two of then 4 of the same enchant. As for the self inflicted wound, it's not a bad side board as while meta game, ABZAN decks are not going anywhere right now so it's a fair bet you are going to com across them.

In regards to rotation, again preference. I think there are a lot of viable cards to add in but for me (being that I do have the cards) I wouldn't want to trade or spend the upwards of $100 on sb dragon, courser, and carytids to have to replace them.

Just my thoughts on the deck, then again I am not a seasoned pro and have my own way of building.

Re: Jund Dragons?

Well, right now Im focusing on obtaining the cards for a Mardu Dragons build and may end up turning that into the Jund build. As for Foothills and Mires, they should be in the deck. If not, I'll need to update the list. As far as Stormbreath, hes also in the Mardu, so I already neee him. As far as rotation, if I like it, I will use one/both (if i can get the cards before then) as a shell or change the deck for either modern or standard, depending on whats in BFZ and Origins (already debating a Mardu/Jund Superfriends Post-Origins release). Also, I cut cut because there isnt enough delve. Though, I may need to look at the list again and make sure its updated properly.

Re: Jund Dragons?

Another thing you could think about is Savage ventmaw. While expensive for a 4/4 flyer it does produce 3r3g mana when it attacks, and if you have the dragon enchant out you are basically getting him for free as he has haste and can play into another or pop into atarka

Re: Jund Dragons?

Savage Ventmaw could be good; what should come out for 3-4 of them, im guessing?

Re: Jund Dragons?

I might take out the 1 of the dragon tempest, 1 draconic roar and 1 foul tounge invocation and have 3 there and see how it plays out

Re: Jund Dragons?

I was thinking maybe taking out Murderous Cut and 1-2 other things for 3-4 Savage Ventmaw.

Re: Jund Dragons?

could drop some of the cuts, though the fetches to make them a little more usable. I might drop 1 cut, 1 invocation, 1 roar. I tend to play with three of's. I know it's weird.