Topic: Script to add "Card is in Deck" Column

Hey guys,

I did write a small script for Deckbox to add a Column which indicates, if a card is already in a deck or not.
Why you ask?

I often do cut my EDH on 100 Cards knowing, that I will lack 1-2 Cards for a certain amount of time.
Let's assume that Volrath's Stronghold did skyrocket and I want to wait a couple of months to let it settle back. I then will just put a Swamp for it in the Deck until I have the Copy.
Without this script, I wouldn't be able to tell you right away, if I need a copy for this deck or not (Imagine, that you already waited 5 Months for it to drop - you won't know if and how many cards you are missing)

With the additional Column I am able to:

1. Search my physical Cards for every Card in Deckbox, sleeve it up and store it in a Binder or Deckbox
2. Then I just click on the Column of the Card in the Set and it will change to the Value "1" which indicates, that I already have this Card, for this Deck in my Binder/Deckbox. Hence I do not need to buy it
3. Done

You will find the Script here:

It has been tested with Chrome 43.0.2357.124 and Tampermonkey 3.11
I don't know if it is running with Firefox & Greasemonkey but it should.

Your Data is stored in your Browsers LocalStorage - In case of Chrome I do not know, if it syncs these with the Cloud and therefore you'll have the data on each PC where you are using Chrome. Let's just assume it does not.

Be aware though, data will be lost if you: Delete your History/Change Computer/Delete your Browser [...]

If anyone but me uses the Script, I may change the behaviour of the Column to actually allow values different than 0/1 (notindeck,indeck) to real values (3 in deck, 4 should be) Just give me feedback - I don't need it