Topic: New to MTG & found a Tarmogoyf

So I went to SuperCon in Miami last night and got talked into buying a Modern Masters booster for $10. The vendor hands me a pack and says, "Kids are saying there could be a $200 card in there, good luck." Of course, I didnt think I could be the lucky one who got it, considering that serious players probably buy dozens of boosters and I just bought one.

As soon as I got home I started looking through the commons, then some uncommons, 'cool, a holographic silver, jackpot!' and then behind that where i'm expecting to find a token or land or some useless thing I see that little red symbol and I get excited, 'what a cool picture! so stoked to add this to my collection!"

The problem with this though is that now that I know how much it's worth, I'm afraid to even touch it (even though i slipped that bad boy into a sleeve as soon as i saw it was red), let alone play with it. I haven't been playing for long at all, only a couple of months. I feel conflicted on whether I should sell it to buy the new Origins block and build my card collection...or try to make a new deck with it for myself. I kind of dislike the idea of how expensive some cards can get, after all it's a game created so everyone can have fun...if it werent for the internet i would have no idea how valuable it is and i'd be having a good time playing with it right now.

How long did it take you to find your "lottery winner" card? Did you keep it or sell it?

Re: New to MTG & found a Tarmogoyf

So the biggest question is what do you play? Are you a casual only player? Are you wanting to be competitive soon? What format do you play if you are playing? These questions will really guide you in the process of what you shold do with the card.

as for how long it took me to find a lottery pull..... Well even though I was not actively seeking the cards, in the MM 15 box I bought, in the same pack was a Tarmogoyf and right behind it was a foil Vendilion Clique. I still have the goyf but I traded the Clique as soon as possible.

Re: New to MTG & found a Tarmogoyf

I bought a small lot of mostly Tempest-era bulk on CL awhile back. $100 for about 1600 cards. Pretty boring, but it helped me fill in holes in my collection. Then I found 37 wastelands. No, that wasn't a typo.

That will never happen again in my lifetime.

Last edited by ReliquaryTower (2015-07-14 01:22:08)

Re: New to MTG & found a Tarmogoyf

Goyf is one of those strange cards that is worth a ton and is a staple in practically every green deck in modern, but it doesn't really do a whole lot in EDH or other casual formats.  Moreover, it doesn't do much on its own.  That being said, unless you're planning on picking up 2-3 more of them and playing modern, it's probably just better to unload it to pick up stuff that you'll actually play with.  Sure, it could continue to increase in value, but really, then it's just sitting there. 

I pulled a goyf from MM1 in the whopping 1 draft I played in.  I turned it into a lily of the veil for EDH and a bunch of other stuff.  No regrets.