Topic: Origins added Mono Green monsters. Thoughts?

So I am thinking about building a budget mono green standard deck with some of the origins cards once released. I know I would have to take out the elvish mytics and replace them with renowned hierarchs and the nacatl outlander would be replaced with the outland colossus from the new set. Aside form that, any thoughts?

Re: Origins added Mono Green monsters. Thoughts?

one thing you're forgetting is mystic is/should be standard olayable until rotation.
But so far Honored Heirarch seems to be the best choice; Also, dont forget about Managorger Hydra. 3 drop 1/1 or 2/2 with Trample that just gets beefier with each spell cast.

Re: Origins added Mono Green monsters. Thoughts?

Yea, I just realized that theros and 15 stays until zendikar, so it opens my options. I looked at mana gorger as well and I think that can definetly find it's way into the deck, I think I may drop two of the tread upon for mana gorger and then drop the whisper of the wilds and put in caryatids/coursers.