Topic: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

I put a lot of effort and thought into this deck. It's my first one after not having played since onslaught. Anyway, the format is standard. The idea is to use "gain control of creature" cards, attack with them, then sac them if they are still alive.

15 cards are devoted to gaining control of another creature. 12 cards offer some benefit to sacrificing a creature, such as scourge of skola vale and life's legacy. Threw in some morph, as jeering instigator has the ability and can also gain control of a creature. Then added obscuring aether to aid with the 9 morph creatures. Any help is much appreciated!

Edit: I'm new to the planeswalker concept. Been thinking of adding Chandra, but before i drop $ on this, id like to see how it would fare.

Last edited by senecan (2015-07-24 01:56:02)

Re: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

14 views and 0 replies. That tells me one of three things...

1) This deck is amazing, and everyone is speechless lol

2) It's horrendously bad, and no one has the heart to tell me.

3) You may be in the same boat as me, and can't think of ways to improve it.

I'm gonna see whats behind door #3. I'd like more 1 drops, but i can't decide on what will go well with the synergy.

Edit: By the way. I know this type of deck exists. But, I decided to play a booster draft with friends, and found the idea by drafting act of treason and scourge of skola vale. After I won the 4 person booster draft, I decided to search and see if there were enough of these types of cards that could make a deck. And abra kadabra, here I am.

Last edited by senecan (2015-07-24 01:53:42)

Re: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

Hooded hydra in case playing a creatureless deck?

Edit: renamed steal the show smile

Last edited by senecan (2015-07-24 05:23:30)

Re: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

i like the idea it's creative but not sure it will be fast enough,
you r hydra can't attack in a turn you want to use it for it sacrifice ability.
also a lot of the still ability have a high mama cost .
i would think of maybe changing the concept a little bit
i would run 4 copies of evalutanery leap it let you sack a creature and then put a creture from your library into you hand, i would then  and not run most  of the creatures besides yasova you have in your current list, and run cards that give you value Shaman of the Great Hunt  could work well.
also maybe you could run mob rule
i would also run lightning strike because why not lol
anyway good luck to you

i think you would like the EDH deck i built same concept steal players creatures and saccking them afterwords, i use yasova as my commander

Last edited by 59700999 (2015-07-24 13:00:13)

Re: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

So first thing's first, apologies for the lack of a response.  I'm not on here nearly as much as I used to be so I try to let others offer some feedback when possible.

That being said, could you give us some thoughts about the level of competition you're looking to take this to?  You listed the format which is a great start, but are you looking to take this to have fun at FNM or are you looking to be competitive/win FNM consistently (or even potentially enter in to higher level events)?  This will help determine whether we need to be suggesting ways to take you deck toward a tier-1 status (and likely costing a fair bit more), or just making more general suggestions toward being a decent casual deck.

That being said, it's an interesting concept, but I don't know that it really will stand up to the rest of the field out there.  For example, what is the plan against a control deck that doesn't really have creatures?  Sure, you can pressure them with your board, but I don't know that it gets there against their removal suite.

Other thoughts:
- If you have the 4x Den Protector that you have listed in the SB, there's literally zero reason not to run them main.  They offer an evasive beat-stick while also giving you the versatility to get the Deathmists and other cards back.
- Ire Shaman is outclassed by Abbot of Kheral Keep.  But it would've been easy enough to overlook that one with Origins just hitting.
- I think you want more ways to interact with their side of the board.  I'm thinking Exquisite Firecraft makes sense.
- I don't know that I'm really following your SB options, but perhaps you could give some more input on your thinking for them
- 59700999's suggestion for Shaman of the Great Hunt isn't bad.  I would actually suggest a slightly different option, Shaman of Forgotten Ways would be decent in the SB as an anti-control card.  You get to formidable and then use its ability against their open board.
- Gaea's Revenge is another good option to look into.

- Generally speaking, what's your plan against something like Dragonlord Atarka?
- How do you deal with opposing planeswalkers?

I hope some of this is helpful.  Remember, the more you can tell us, the more likely it is that someone can give you useful feedback.

Re: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

You're running 4 collateral damage but 0 Fiery conclusion. It seems like you'd want one or two even if you just need big removal once or twice it really opens your targeting options up . But I dont really play standard except to snipe playmats with RDW wink

Re: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

Fun Idea! I actually had a different take along the same theme: steal the opponents cards and turn them against him, while at the same time swarm him with Goblins.  when it works, its pretty powerful, but when it doesn't.. well that's another story..  I think the Goblins give it a little more speed, but I have quite a ways to go to make it shine.. take a look if you would like smile


Re: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

I like the sword of the animist. I just pulled 2 during a booster draft. It will take some thought as to where I want to spend my money. Thanks guys, apparently I have some work to do!

Re: R/G Steal, attack, and sac

I like Evolutionary Leap as a repeatable, on-board sac outlet.
TRZ is right; Fiery Conclusion probably warrants sideboard spot vs abzan over Collateral Damage.

Last edited by HomebrewForLife (2015-08-24 14:19:32)