Topic: Anyone want a rulebook?

Hello, I found a box for the premade deck "apocalypse swoop" and inside I still have the little rulebook that came with the set.  They are selling on ebay for a few bucks so I guess maybe some collectors out there want them?  Anyway I don't want this rulebook, but I hate to throw something away if a collector wants it.  It is not in perfect condition, it has a few dings and scratches, and a stain on the back side.  If it was a card I would call it LP I guess.  Except for the water-damage type stain on the back, which I suppose would render a card HP.

So anyway, if someone wants it you can have it if you pay for the shipping cost, which is 56 cents in this case.  USPS stamp + envelope.  I can send international, but it will likely cost more.

Re: Anyone want a rulebook?

ok, guess no one wants it, I will toss it then.