Topic: H:Full foil set of Origins W: To see your deckbox

Hey all! I won a full foiled set of Origins at PAX this year and I'm looking to move most of it into anything I can. Right now I am attempting to finish Legacy Miracles and get back in to standard preferably in Esper colors but I dont have a solid idea of what I want yet. If you have any interest in a foil version of any card from origins please let me know and I will take a look at your tradelist to see if anything stands out to me.

Thanks a ton!

Re: H:Full foil set of Origins W: To see your deckbox

Id be interested in the foil Jace if a deal could be had.

Re: H:Full foil set of Origins W: To see your deckbox

I could be interested in... Graveblade marauder, animists awakening, the great aurora, starfield of Nyx, rogues passage and hangarback (if you can find enough for it). Take a look at my stuff and let me know, the awakening and aurora are my biggest interests.

Re: H:Full foil set of Origins W: To see your deckbox

I'd be looking for the Foil Archangel if you see anything in my TL. Feel free to message me!

Re: H:Full foil set of Origins W: To see your deckbox

Hey, I would be interested in flip Lili, let me know!