Topic: advice on standard landfall

I will be using this deck at my FNM to test and then trying to do a SCG tourney. I can drop one of the landfall creature (predator) and put in titan's strength over it, but wondering about any other ideas. I thought about atarka's command, but it seems to costly ($) to really be useful (the land has to be in hand to play it) but I haven't play tested it so who knows. Any thoughts are welcomed.

Re: advice on standard landfall

Hey, I am also building a Landfall deck and I am bacing it off of a deck that placed 37th at this weekends SCG Open. It is a pretty cool aggro deck: … ckID=92349

The problem I am seeing is that your deck is being pulled many different ways. Some of it wants to be Aggro some parts wants to be Mid-range and the other part wants to be ramp. Omnath is way too expensive to be able to cast when your opponent will for sure have removal. Same with Dragonmaster Outcast. By time his ability is relevant, you opponent will have ways to deal with it. I think you need to look and figure out what your deck really wants to be before anyone can really help you.

Re: advice on standard landfall

Omnath is more of a late drop to have something sit on the board should I need to dump mana, though I guess I could add jorga invocation (sp) and make all my guys hate the board. Dragon caller is also more of a draw to get them to use removal on him as opposed to another creature. I'd rather have them kill those guys then my actual threats, but I get what you are saying. I felt that with the scouts, retreat, and break the line, it would be pretty easy to make my land fall hit no matter what but then again I haven't played it yet.

Re: advice on standard landfall

So I've been thinking through a landfall deck and, realistically, I see two ways to take it - hardcore aggro (likely the better route) or mid-range.

In the event you're going aggro, may I suggest the following build:

You might be asking, how is this better than what you're running?  Note that, outside of the singleton Omnath (who is in just in case the board stalls out and partially for grins), my curve stops at 3.  This might not be correct, as Grove Rumbler certainly provides an appealing option at four. The idea here is to let you get a few things onto the board and then your land can be directed toward the pumps and tricks. Ideally on turn 4 you're swinging, pumping, and using Temur Battle Rage to end the game, rather than playing the rumbler.

As for your build, Break Through the Line, Subterranean Scout, and Retreat to Valakut are totally sub-optimal choices if you're just looking to get damage through.  The idea of only making a single creature unblockable really is just lacking for an aggro strategy unless it's a major impact creature.  Two options for you to consider are Magmatic Chasm or Firemantle Mage.  The former will allow you to likely just swing free and clear.  The latter gives everything menace and will likely ensure at least half of your team makes it through.

Honestly, on the topic of Atarka's Command, it's worth it if you have them, but without I don't know that it'll make or break the deck.  I can see where your win percentage will drop a few points, but it's not like that one card makes the whole deck go, especially with the other options available.

If your intent is to look more mid-range, I can offer the following build:

Admittedly, this one is a bit more cute, with an emphasis on elemental tribal.  It could work, it might not, it's worth a shot.

I hope some of this makes sense and is of some use.  If you have any questions about the thought process that motivated my card choices and I'm happy to explain.

Best luck!

Re: advice on standard landfall

I have a deck you may want to look at. BTW Atarka's is definitely worth the money to buy it. My deck on my page that is very similar to this, has a turn 3 standard kill which is very rare, turn 4 is fairly common, and turn 5 you should be ending the game. I am trying to get out to a big tournament soon to try it against a bunch of top 8 competitors for standard when at my current fnm place there are only 3 of us. Gruul Aggro is the deck on my page I am referring to.

Last edited by davidherlein (2015-11-25 21:27:16)