Topic: Looking to finish up Modern Jund


  • Dark Confidant (Ravnica)

  • Liliana of the Veil

  • Raging Ravine x2

Lesser Priority

  • Shatter Storm x2

  • Night of Souls' Betrayal x2

  • Leyline of the Void x3 (Guildpact Preferred)

  • Damnation

  • Treetop Village x3 (Urza's)

  • Swamp (Unglued)

  • Forest (Unglued)

Other Wants:

  • Jace, the Mind Sculptor

  • Jace, Vryn's Prodigy

  • Ancestral Visions

  • Creeping Tar Pit

  • Bayou

Last edited by tigersjawx (2015-10-22 20:07:39)