Topic: Dispute support?

I am new to and my first trade I was scammed for a Flooded strand.  I opened a dispute that says the person has until December 1st to respond, but nothing has become of it. Is there any support on here? I know I am basically out the Flooded strand as there is nothing I can do to get the card or money back. Any advice?

Re: Dispute support?

Xaighen wrote:

I am new to and my first trade I was scammed for a Flooded strand.  I opened a dispute that says the person has until December 1st to respond, but nothing has become of it. Is there any support on here? I know I am basically out the Flooded strand as there is nothing I can do to get the card or money back. Any advice?

I have answered on the dispute ticket, the user has been marked as a scammer.

Re: Dispute support?

I just want you to know that scamming isn't as common on this site as you probably think at the moment. Couple suggestions:

1) For the time being, only trade with people who have an established trade record. Maybe 50+ trades. People with more trades are less likely to pull a scam and lose the reputation they've built up.
2) After you've built up your own trade reputation, require people with no or very few completed trades to send first and then send your side with tracking. That way you will be completely protected.