Topic: Community Rules and Tips
1. Please read the trading guidelines under /r/magictcg's sidebar. All rules that apply there will apply here as well.
2. RE: Feedback
Under no circumstances should you give negative feedback if: 1) you received communication from the other party and 2) you received the cards in the condition that you expected them to be in. Please use the text box provided to note excessively slow shipping.
Trades are finalized once addresses are confirmed. However, trades are considered invalid if: 1) neither party has shipped their cards and 2) one or more parties have not attempted to make contact within a week of confirmation. Under these conditions, no feedback should be given and you may consider your cards up-for-trade again.
Negative feedback should be given if and only if you have confirmation (via delivery confirmation number/tracking) that your package has been received, but the other party has not shipped their cards and has not responded to any messages for over 3 weeks. The post office screws up sometimes and packages may take longer to arrive, especially for international exchanges.
Negative feedback should always be followed up with a report to the admins.
To see if your wishlist matches with the any members of the community, go to your profile and scroll down to "Trading opportunities." In the upper right corner, you can set the search to "In Reddit MTG Trades."
Keep your wishlist and tradelist updated! As more members join, you'll find plenty of new trading opportunities. Simply click on anyone's username and deckbox will tell you if your tradelist matches their wishlist.
Avoid sending Paypal payments as gifts, as it doesn't allow you to open dispute cases under any circumstances.
Good luck and happy trading!
* Copied from the Reddit Forums