Topic: Kor Haven, Zendikar Expedition to trade

Hi all,

I have a Kor Haven from Zendikar Expedition to trade, as well as a Wastes FOIL (#183). Happy to ship first of course. Here is a wishlist, but as long as a few of the main cards below are present (Ajani, Sorin, Meren, Kruphix, Sarkhan), I can go through your trade list to complete the deal:

3x Kalemne, Disciple or Ioras
3x Join the Ranks
1x Ezuri, Claw of Progress
12x Deflecting Palm
3x Cold-Eyed Selkie
2x Ajani, Mentor of Heroes
3x Time of Need
1x Sorin Markov
1x Sarkhan Vol
3x Quest for Uls’s Temple
2x Meren of the Clan Nel Toth
1x Kruphix, God of Horizon
2x Karlov of the Ghost Council
