Topic: W: foil affinity H: Affinity, Things

Hey, Looking for foil affinity pieces, namely Ravagers and Opals, but also blood moons and Thoughtseizes and such for the sideboard. I would be trading you the nonfoil version + whatever value made you happy!

Some stuff I've got:
2x polluted delta
1x bloodstained mire
2x Monastery Mentor
1x foil prerelease promo K command
1x Jace VP
1x V Clique (morningtide)
1x Hierarch (mm15)
1x Eugene, The spirit Dragon
4x blood moons, various sets
4x foil anglers
nonfoil affinity

odd bits! I have other stuff, so if you're looking specifically feel free to ask tradelist here! Let me know in this post if you send me a trade!

Re: W: foil affinity H: Affinity, Things

Bump. I got a lot of stuff guys!

now I need:
2 foil darksteel arcbound ravagers (interested in 4 nonfoils??)
4 foil galvanic blast
2 foil thoughtseize
3 foil spellskite
1 foil grafdigger's cage
couple other little bits.

Thanks for lookin!