Topic: H: Foil Horizon Canopy (FS) W: Non-Foils.

Hello, I have a NM Foil Future Sight Horizon Canopy. I'm looking to trade it for x3 played Non-Foil Horizon Canopy. (possibly x2 and a good throw in depending on condition, but I'm really just looking for x3 beat up copies).

Please keep in mind that the Foil version will retain its value if this ever gets reprinted, non-foils won't. I think this is a pretty good trade for someone looking to the future. Trade your non-foils for a "safe" foil, you know? Please contact me with a trade or a message if you are interested.

I don't have much rep on Deckbox yet, but I have a seller account and a PucaTrade account that I can link if you want references. And of course a trade of this value would require Tracking and possibly a signature, so no worries there.

Thanks for looking! big_smile