Topic: H: SOI Promos (Nahiri, Olivia, etc) W: SOI and other stuff

Notable SOI cards I'd like to trade:

Nahiri (Promo)
Olivia (Promo)
Olivia (Regular)
Seasons Past (Pack Foil)
Goldnight Castigator (Pack Foil)

I'm looking for a bunch of stuff on my wishlist, but specifically Sin Prodder and Sorin from SOI.

Feel free to start a trade!

Re: H: SOI Promos (Nahiri, Olivia, etc) W: SOI and other stuff

I know you already opened a trade, but I want it all!

Re: H: SOI Promos (Nahiri, Olivia, etc) W: SOI and other stuff

Looking for the olivia promo, let me know what you're looking for from SOI and I can probably get it.

Re: H: SOI Promos (Nahiri, Olivia, etc) W: SOI and other stuff

Opened up a trade with you, Shadow.

Anyone have Sorins for trade?

Last edited by Dogloks (2016-04-06 20:24:34)