Topic: Error during inventory update?

I just added some cards to my inventory (some revised basic mountains and islands) I have the impression the total inventory count (all editions) for both cards changed somewhat randomly after the update. It increased by more than 13 for the Mountains and decreased by at least 300 for the islands.

Would it be possible to check the database update log?

I added:
- 13 Revised Mountains (all Played - all the same picture)   
- 13 Basic Islands (all Played - split 2/5/6 between the different pictures)

Thanks a lot

Re: Error during inventory update?

Hi Sebi,

I also sent a support request more or less one month ago but got no answer so far.
Would it be possible for you to check my db update log from just a few minutes before my previous post (2016-07-24 15:58:22).

You may not remember but I had a similar problem many months ago and you were able to fix it.

I don't mind fixing the inventory myself but I'd need you to share the db update log so that I can check the right numbers.

Thanks for all the great work you do.

Re: Error during inventory update?

It is quite difficult to fetch a specific inventory database changelog, as I do not have such a feature implemented, and the historical data of changes is not recorded in the database, albeit available via backup db dumps.

For this reason it would be quite difficult to provide such a log.

Could you tell me the support request number? Not sure how I missed it, as I see no unanswered support requests now for example.

Re: Error during inventory update?

I understand. Luckily it was only basic lands so no real harm done (I just need to try to forget about having the wrong inventory forever big_smile ).

Unfortunately I didn't keep track of the support request number. The only thing I remember is that I logged it within two minutes of posting the initial message here.

If I may, what you may want to look at, when you have time, is how to prevent db updates before the inventory form is fully loaded. I think this may only happen for cards with many different versions in inventory.

Happy to do some testing if needs be.