Topic: personal notes on a card

it'd be really nice to have a two line field for each card where you could write notes, like a provisional rating for the card or something about the sentimental value you place in it, or what you think about the art, a micro rant, something like that. maybe something that's only visible on inventory view, and optional too... it'd add a little personality to a collection, whether you're browsing your own or someone else's - you'd get a feel for the kind of player they are.

I know this is a really tertiary concern, haha. it's just that I've been enjoying using this website recently and realized that personal input on a card was basically absent

edit: never mind this, I noticed there was a subscriber option to comment on each individual card in a deck, which is surprisingly close to what I had in mind anyway

Last edited by tawny_ant (2016-08-17 17:08:42)